Název projektu: Obnova biotopů a druhů subpanonských travinnobylinných porostů

Projektový akronym: LIFE Subpannonic

Kód projektu: LIFE17 NAT/SK/000589   

Doba realizace projektu: 1.9.2018 – 31.12.2024          

Rozpočet: 3,112,940 €

Příspěvek Evropské komise: 2,330,797 €




Project title: 

Conservation of subpannonic dry grassland habitats and species

The LIFE Sub-pannonic project has received funding from the LIFE programme of the European Union.

Project acronym: LIFE SUB-PANNONIC

Project scheme: LIFE, Nature and Biodiversity

Project duration: 1 September 2018 – 31 December 2024

Total budget: € 3,112,940

  • EU contribution: € 2,330,797 €

Coordinating beneficiary

Associated beneficiaries

Czech Republic

Slovak Republic

„Grazing is amazing“

The project is implemented in Slovakia and Czech Republic. Project LIFE SUB-PANNONIC focuses on restoration of rare dry grassland ecosystems which are currently threatened by succession and invasive plant species due to the abandonement of traditional grazing and management of these localitites. The restoration of the rare habitats is done with the help of four-legged mowers – sustainable management through grazing animals by local farmars. On the 21 localities across Slovakia, from the Small Carpathians all to way to Zemplín on the east and on 7 localities in Moravia the project improves the status of rare habitats and the protection status of population of floral species of European Importance: Himantoglossum caprinum, Onosma tornensis and Artemisia pancicii.

Main objective

The main objective of the project is to improve the conservation status of 3 priority habitats of European importance and 3 species of European importance (of which 2 are priority) in 22 localities of the NATURA 2000 network in Slovakia and in 7 localities in the territory of Moravia (Czech Republic). At current state, the project sites are threatened by an overgrowth of aerial trees and expansive grasses and the spread of non-native species due to the abandonment of traditional management. Populations of target species are small and fragmented.

With appropriate management measures, the project will significantly contribute to the construction of the NATURA 2000 network in Slovakia and Czech Reoublic, to the improvement of its functionality and the preservation of the natural heritage of the regions. In addition to improving the condition of the habitats in question, the aim of the project is to ensure sustainable care for the restored areas and to restore ecosystem services. A substantial part of the project activities will be implemented in cooperation with local farmers and communities, which will bring significant socio-economic benefits and contribute to job creation in the regions.

Specific Targets

  • For *Onosma tornensis, it will cover all sites of its occurence in Slovakia within the NATURA 2000 network, representing cca 50% of the total SK/HU population of this endemic species.
  • For endemic species *Artemisia pancicii, 1 of cca 10 remaining sites worldwide will be covered.
  • Himantoglossum caprinum – the species will be conserved on northernmost edge of its overall distribution range. The respective populations are very endangered presently, with only a few indivduals left. The covered sites hold more than 80% of the overall SR population of this rare species.
  • *6210 - Semi-natural dry grasslands and scrubland facies on calcareous substrates (Festuco-Brometalia) - *important orchid sites
  • *6240 – Sub-Pannonic steppic grasslands
  • *6250 – Pannonic loess steppic grasslands.



Mgr. Pavol Littera, Ph.D. (BROZ)


Ing. Vilém Jurek

Tel: +420 605 526 958, e-mail: vilem.j@gmail.com


For more information see https://broz.sk/en/projekty/life-sub-pannonic/